In recent years the topic of the menstrual cycle has become more visible and we hear more and more stories plus get information about it, however, there's still a long way to go, thus I wanted to develop a wellness App contributing with a solution. Adding my interest in psychology, my first idea was to focus on tracking the period and connecting it with the emotions, moreover, in case the user is interested, share it with someone for support: a family member, partner, or friend.

Discover what motivates users to not only log their period frequently but other symptoms like emotions to find a correlation between them.

Design an App that allows you to understand and control users' menstrual cycle and its symptoms, helping you to reduce unexpected or undesirable situations.

Individual Project
2 weeks sprint


For my quantitative research, I surveyed potential users to know more about their cycle's first needs and their behavior with Period Tracker Apps gathering 31 responses mostly from Latin America, obtaining which competitors they prefer to analyze later, but also other insights came out that made my challenge address to another direction: they were more interested to get reliable tips and medical info than only track their emotions swings, plus share them was not part of their interests.

For my qualitative research, I arrange 3 interviews with users and 1 with an expert, in this case, a gynecologist. The potential users expressed they all have experiences with a diagnosis of a related period disease, causing them a shock because of lack of information. On the other hand, the gynecologist, let me know the subject is so complex and wide as the symptoms that are involved, so, with this, I concluded the best is to offer users the info accordingly to their needs and interests, and the challenge is to motivate users to log their symptoms to get reliable information.

Based on research findings, I built my User Persona, who represents the surveyed and targeted user for the Period Tracker App, their Motivations, and Goals.

And to understand Alejandra's motivations and identify her goals, I delineate her User Journey.

By doing an HMW exercise, I could define the user's pains and their motivations, I establish my Problem Statement and the Hypothesis Statement that would solve it.

I studied around 10 different Apps, and I could differentiate their branding elements such as colors, typographies, voice tones, main goals, benefits, and limits. So, I decided to focus on the ones my surveyors mentioned most, defining my target audience.

I situated on a positioning map along with my competitors, comparing the factors of how informative they are and how many symptoms' data they offer to track.

I used a Moscow Diagram to help me to prioritize which features I should focus on first for my MVP, and which are the next ones for the following steps, deciding on which are the most important to cover users' needs without committing the time.

Once the audience was targeted, I crafted my branding guidelines by designing a logo, naming, typographies, and choosing main and support colors through other disciplines such as psychology and marketing, besides other elements to bring a story and personality to the App.

I defined Ale's User Flow. It assumes that Ale's has been using the App for some time:

I sketched LoFi Wireframes to make it easy for me to think of the App as a final product, nevertheless, due to it being a 2 weeks MVP, I had to prioritize the features accordingly to the Moscow Diagram to start, I also used another useful tool Card Sorting to define the Symptoms, Calendars, and Tips & Info, some of them are considerate for future features.

I started to create my UI Kit based on the Branding Guideline that I defined previously.

Finally, I created my Hi-Fi Prototype accordingly to Ale's User Flow including branding elements.

I made 3 testings and iterate during the whole process, mostly the User Flow was changed to be shorter, eliminating some screens to analyze and get the tips which are the main motivation of the users. Also, I refined the icons to be more accessible to the eye.



While doing this project, I learned:
• To prioritize features and users' needs for an MVP and to accomplish it on time
• It's important to iterate to do it more accessible
• To consider also inclusivity in the whole process, even in the way I formulated my questions during research
• As a color lover, I struggled to choose colors, so after this project, I created my process, in any case, I can do more than 1 palette, testing it accordingly to users but also accessibility
• I don't get attached to a design or an idea, it can and will always change
• Designs and research can be recycled, proving that Design Thinking is not a linear process
• Always have a backup to spare time in the future if a similar problem is presented
• Document all the process, the next time will be easier to set times and goals
• If I would have to do something different, I'd change the tracking system interface to do it visibly and explain in detail what is the benefit to track their symptoms, since one of the goals is to prevent period-related diseases.

The following steps are:
• More test and UI Kit refine
• Create more User Personas with their User Flows to design other features: Magazine, Settings, Calendars, iOS sync
• Create a design for smartwatches